Really stoked to have Adelaide local Rhys Gogel featured in this new Quick Fire. Check the whole thing after the jump!

image_1 Photo: Dave Rubinich

Describe an average weekday…

U’m up at about 6 and work till 4, then either chill or ride depending on weather and how my body’s feeling.

What about the weekend?

Definitely ride most of the weekend away. Sometimes Sunday is a rest day though. I don’t really party much anymore so it’s pretty much ride and chill.

Newest part on your bike?

The crisp blue paint job!! Don’t need new parts when everything’s Division Brand.

Fix tubes or new tubes?

Pretty much always new tube.

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

Yeah Instagram mainly @ronaldswampy and also @eatchildrencrew

Anything you would do-over if you could?

Shit, there’s alot but riding wise I wish I started riding earlier then 18 yrs old. That and not be scared and go back and do everything I’ve ever bitched.


Photo: Dave Rubinich

Last web video that got you stoked on riding?

Properly that BSD USA one, filming riding editing all 10/10 very good

Last song you listened to?

Some gay shit on jjj’s


Now running 3


No brakes

Favourite movie of all time?

Shawshank Redemption

Park, street or dirt?

Definitely street but not like only ledges and rails its way broader then that.

What kind of car do you drive? 

Pulsar I got of my older brother for $300 it has 8x Q’s though. Bitches throw me their panties as I drive by

When and what was your first photo in a magazine?

Um first riding one was in a Focalpoint and it was a hop whip

You have any web videos coming out?

Yeah hopefully have a Dishonour x eatchildren one coming soon in a few weeks


Photo: Dave Rubinich

First bmx video you saw?

An English movie called no front teeth, is love to get another copy it was sick

Summer or Winter, which do you prefer?

Definitely summer, besides the heat it’s perfect long nights and no worrys about the rain

A few moves you love to do when out riding…

Any and all of them

Last trip you took?

Shit, it’s been too long! I’m more focused on ones that are to come

A good spot or park you’ve hit up lately…

Definetly the satellite dish we road last weekend! Once in a life time spot, we had to tinker with it to make it rideable but it was incredible.

Random story from your local park?

Ohh man, first one that comes to mind is when we were in Murray bridge riding an a houseboat full of afghan soccer players came over to the park and were kicking a soccer ball around and then it got heated quick after they tried to steal one of the local kids weed, and then it was on. It was about 15 of them into about 7 of us and it was full on. People got pushed off quarters, belts were being swung around. Then after a few minutes we just stopped and went out separate ways. Best part was the random Afghan who started it got laid out cold by a 13 yr old. Don’t mess with park rats.


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