Epic Park getting built in Canberra.

Hey guys, added another event to the list on the right, this site is here for everyone, so if you know of any jams or what ever coming up just shoot me an email!

I spotted on the Colony and Backbone sites a crazy new park getting built in Canberra, so stoked! Colony also have a edit up from the Flatland comp that just went down in Brisbane.

Speaking of Flatland, the Flatland Australia blog has been banging out some solid updates of late.

Good mates over on the WestOz blog have got some pool photos up and a sweet time lapse edit of them draining a pool.

I am going to link over to some websites that you may not have seen before when ever I come accross them, This is a brainstorm is a cool blog which a dude I use to roll with a bit back in the Camby days does, Simon is right into graphic design and does a bunch of stuff for local hardcore bands.

Below is a shot I took of silent Shredder Sam Illman on the weekend.

sam illman tucklaunch new

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New Focalpoint Website.

Hey guys, welcome to the new Focalpoint website. Pretty stoked on it! I will be dialing it in today but its ready to rock n roll!

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Issue 17 Now Available.

Hey guys, the new issue will be in stores over the next few days, a little longer if you are in NSW or QLD as I am delivering them myself.


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New Focalpoint Apparel.

Hey guys, I have got in new winter apparel, this is one way we keep the mag free (Issue 17 comes in tomorrow!) Check the new stuff in the Online Store. They will also be available at all good bike stores! Wooo!
winter apparel flyer

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