365/365 // JACK O’REILLY

Well we made it! 365 clips done, thanks to everyone wo was apart of it. It was super fun but this is it, the last oneclip… We had planned to film an epic long line with a bunch of crew but it never worked out. This clip of Jack is still good though, enjoy!

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364/365 V2 // DANIEL JOHNSON

Like I mentioned yesterday, not sure how I got a day behind in the counting but it’s all good…

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364/365?? // JACK KELLY

Somewhere along the line I counted a day wrong or something? Either way there will be 2 “364” days haha…

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363/365 // MARNOLD

This is from when we were in Canberra a couple months back, keeping out of the down poor that hit us one morning…

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362/365 // SAM ILLMAN

Illman is boss when he wants to be…

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361/365 // FLAGZ

This was from earlier in the year but I like it…

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360/365 // SIMON O’BRIEN

Simon is amazing, thanks for sending this in bro. Merry Christmas everyone!

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Quick, tight line of DJ in the city during the week…

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