Spotted this edit of Billy over on Ugzine, Definately got some style. Billy shreds it across a bunch of Canberra parks and spots…

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Lachy Be Downside.

Had a fun roll down at New Knox park this arvo, I shot the below photo of Lachy just before we left, I forgot my flash cables so just the one on camera flash but she still came out pretty cool I think. Ugzine Friday Frenzy is up. Nahyouritemate have some good random photos up. […]

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Canberra Park Update.

Came accross a recent photo of the new park being built in Canberra, should be rad when it’s done. Ugzine have there Friday Frenzy up along with a silent shredder Sam Illman edit.

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August Giveaway Winner.

Last month the giveaway challenge was to think of something you would like to see on the Focalpoint website, there were a bunch of cool idea’s some of which I will take on board for future plans. The winner though is Jarrad McComb with the idea about adding a new photogallery to the site which […]

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Photogallery Update.

Hey guys, I posted up a few more photos in the gallery. There a couple of riding shots that I took at the Ausbike tradeshow, check them out here and scroll down. Ugzine have their Friday Frenzy up. Sam Filmer made a dvd, check his site here for more info. Tenna is a shredder, he […]

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New Stickers.

Hey everyone, I just got some new die cut stickers. pretty stoked! These will be going out with all online orders. Ugzine have their Friday Frenzy up.

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South Bmx Premiere Tonight!

Hey guys, tonight is the premiere for the new South Bmx dvd at the Anchor, check the promo below which is rad. Ugzine have their weekly friday update and it has some cool stuff.

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Day One. Canberra!

I just arrived in Canberra, stoked! I will be rolling around here for the weekend then onto Sydney, Backbone will have the new mag, dvds and clothing today for anyone in the area. Ugzine have posted up their weekly Round up, check it here. I posted out a bunch of dvd’s to shops yesterday, I […]

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