Dylan White aka Dirty has been killing it up in Brisbane for many years now and we are really stoked to have him featured in our latest Quick Fire feature! Peep the whole interview after the jump:

Photo: Kyle Jacobson

Describe an average weekday…

I work full-time, 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, nothing special haha but when I finish work I go riding!

What about the weekend?

Try to sleep in but never happens! but always keen to get up and go have a good day out riding with a good crew!

Newest part on your bike?


Fix tubes or new tubes?

Tubes! too lazy to fix the flat tube haha

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

Twitter? Im not a tweeting kinda person, I go on Facebook occasionally and always on Instagram! Follow me @therealdirtywhite

Anything you would do-over if you could?

Couple little things meh!

Photo: Stephen Joseph
Last web video that got you stoked on riding?

Volume & Demolition Japan Trip!

Last song you listened to?

Ja Rule – Livin it up! haha


Yep! 2 on right side


No, I don’t like to slow down but sometimes miss doing Fufanu’s hah!

Favourite movie of all time?

I have a few but Bad Boys 2 never gets old!

Park, street or dirt?

I’m an all round rider, I have fun anywhere on my bike

What kind of car do you drive?

Subaru Impreza WRX!

When and what was your first photo in a magazine?

Cant exactly remember when but there was a Jam at Browns Plains and got a snap doing a Tuck no-hander over the hip

Photo: Damian Kluver

You have any web videos coming out?

Starting one really soon! Should be done next few weeks..

First bmx video you saw?

Cant remember the name of the video but i think it was one of Ryan Guettler’s edits from way back!

Summer or Winter, which do you prefer?

Both have Advantages and Disadvantages but I gotta say Summer because the days are longer and a late arvo ride is always nice

A few moves you love to do when out riding…

Switch whips, Canadians and Super seat indians!

Last trip you took?

Went to Townsville for a weekend to do some BMX demos!

A good spot or park you’ve hit up lately…

Deagon park! that place never gets old

Random story from your local park?

One of my mates and I planned to have a chilled arvo sesh at the local after work and 2 mins into riding my mate accidentally ran into a scooter kid! Couple seconds later, the scooter kid got up, My mate asks the kid if he was alright? the kid started to freak out abit and my mate looks down and I saw his face like he was shocked so I came over to see what was actually happening and I was looking down at the kids leg to find he had a huge chunk of skin ripped and hanging out of his leg! It was crazy and didn’t know if it was the peg of the bike or the scooter hit the leg when the accident happened. The ambulance rocked up eventually, gave the kid a green whistle and he was laughing haha was so funny! The father come over, everything was all good and knew it was an accident… Couple months later that kid come down to the park on his scooter and also wearing shin pads hahaha and then later found out he had up-to 65 stitches to put the skin back into his leg!


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