Ride On.

We popped into RideOn bmx store last night, the shop looks dialed, the website has some Chris Courtenay edits up also with footage of him at the worlds. Hopefully do some stunts today.

Stu Munro started up a blog which I am sure will have some very random stuff posted on it, called The Hour Glass, check it here.


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Day Six. Brisbane.

Yoooo. rolled into Brisbane this evening, hung out at Helensvale Bmx, the boys over there have the dvd in stock, Bmx Mafia in Sydney should have it in stock now also. Drove all day basically so its good to be based in one state for a bit.

Tempered Bikes have some cool shots from an indoor spot, and also a new edit up, check their site here

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Day Five. Central Coast.

Hung out at TripleSix Distro this morning then headed off to Newcastle to drop mags off at Drift Bike store, had lunch near the water (see photo and my van just chillin) Then I headed accross to Maitland to drop more mags off at the other Drift store and I rode the local park, just a prefab park but anything that has a bank and a ledge will keep me happy. I am in the middle of nowhere at the moment, aiming for Coffs Harbour tonight, still got 300 km’s to go.


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Queensland Shredders.

Both Nick Kajewski and Chris Courtenay have a split edit over on BNQT, good to see the boys shredding overseas. Spotted it on thecomeup.

Focalpoint photographer Dave Rubers has his portfolio site up, check it out here. some dope stuff on there.

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Day Four. Central Coast.

Hey guys, dropped off some more mags today, Warzone

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The Waiting List. Brisbane Premiere.

Stu Munro is hooking up a playing of the dvd this weekend in Brisbane while I am up there.


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Day Three, Sydney.

I drove around Sydney today droping mags off at shops, Sydney roads do suck but the amount of scooters at the parks is even worse, rode an awesome new plaza near Penrith today (Photo below) would love to go back there with a crew so it’s not just me and the scooter kids. Also a photo below of the inside of the shop in Campbelltown “The Pushbike Factory” Matt is a nice fella and supports the mag

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New Product In.

Hey guys, Colony have new zipups in stock and I also noticed Macneil brought out this crazy blue green colour which looks pretty rad.

Ugzine have there “Morning Shot” up and its a dope photo of Beechy.


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