This is a pretty cool edit made up by the Diversity crew featuring a bunch of good riders from up North, enjoy…
Travis Edit.
Nick Derrick sent over this chilled little edit from Drouin park (VIC)…
Facebook Friday.
I spotted this one of Brock Waugh who is a Bendigo local (for life). Boosting the shit out of this sketchy box jump at the original Bendigo park, stay away from this park its puncture central with all the bindy’s around it!
Colony Team Updates.
Over on the Colony site all the team pages have been updated, bunch of new photos in there, check it out here.
Mike V Edit.
Spotted this edit of Mike V over on the Tempered bikes website, these are what he calls throwaway clips but there is definately some solid stuff in there still, enjoy…
Phototech #2
Another article for the phototech series, a little insight into the depth of field deal, if you are into shooting random lifestyle shots of crew you will like this I think.
Mike Vockenson
I came across this photo of Mike Vockenson the other week and Jackson Townsend who shot it was nice enough to let me post it up, MikeV is a nice guy and a really good rider, he also posts up on the Crispy Stream blog. Also check out Jacksons blog which has some interesting and random stuff posted on it.
Couple things that are worth checking out if you are floating on the internet today…
Kie Ashworth (below photo) killing it as usual over on Stowaway.
Cool interview with mag contributor Doug Taylor over on theRADtheory.
Tim Wood now has a website for his ramp building skills, so you know wehre to go if you need a ramp built.
Bunch of solid Taybo photos on LittleBlackBike.
Primary have a bunch of solid updates.
Some cool photos and edits over on I’d rather be in Preston.