Check out Wilton’s TemperedNight Child build.

What have you been up to lately? I have had a jacked knee for a while again so I have just been trying to get that straight. I had the better part of a month off to hit the road for #actjam2019 , convoyed it down with a few people, riding everything we could for the couple of weeks surrounding the jam weekend.  Also, went up to Mackay a little while ago while the cyclone was on so that was pretty sweet too. North QLD is tight.

So the @luxbmx Aeterna video dropped recently, you psyched on the video? Yeah stoked on being a part of the Aeterna project, the prem was unreal. Filming for it was okay because we had a pretty big timeline for it so it wasn’t too hectic. I was definitely unsure about having a section, just a bit of self doubt being with so many heavy hitters, but in the end I am psyched to have it to look back on. Definitely makes me happy every time i watch it and no doubt will be awesome to look back on in a long time

How would you describe your bike setup? Ahhh Big and good for everything. It’s a nice happy medium between a big long trails set up and a responsive street style set up. It feels good for everything and thats the way i like it.

What size frame do you run?I run 21.3 TT, no real reason other than being kinda tall and that is what feels comfortable, anything smaller would feel no good.

Whats plans for the near future? looking to go to Germany with the TMPRD dudes later on this year. And hopefully by next year i’ll be in a position to take a good chunk of the year off and do some travelling around Aus in my rig. Thats the plan anyway.

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