5 dock jam

All shots from Gordon Glockenspeil

Words from Brodie Butterlegs

The annual end of daylight savings jam at the hallowed transitions of Five Dock skatepark is always a highly anticipated affair. It’s one of the few days a year in which the greater Sydney scene comes together for a rad day of shred, and this year was no different. A roast- filled jam with the emphasis on fun; no comper-vibe, no bullshit, just good times with dudes you don’t see all the time. This years was also an Amigos of Holmes day, with t shirts and general donations going toward the Amigos fund.

This jam represents something of a rarity in today’s BMX climate. An oasis where everyone is just as psyched on a, if not more so on a solid flatty as they are a flair. Due to a council-organised skate comp attracting approximately 3 people, time was limited, and as such the notorious deathbowl was absent for a second consecutive year. Somewhat symbolic of the season; the trains were cut short by the setting of the sun, at which point we all went our separate ways; some to the 2020 DVD premiere, and others to the warm comfort of their own homes; to be reunited once more at the next one. Thanks to Hell on Wheels, 2020, Fit, S&M, United and The Shadow Conspiracy for making it all possible, roll on next year and the return of deathbowl!



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