Travel Life – Damien Kluver

Words from Danien Kluver

Ever since I was young I’ve always loved travelling and seeing new scenery. The best part about it is the freedom that you feel, you can be driving down the highway with no plan for the day and see a turnoff to a beach or waterfall and just take it, no time frame, just you, doing exactly what you want.

What’s even better than seeing new things, is the awesome people that you meet along the way, thank you BMX!!!

My biggest tip for organising a trip like this is just to keep at it! Talking about it really doesn’t help a great deal haha (I’ve learnt from experience) you just have to get stuck in and don’t allow distractions to get in your way.

Anyway hope you like the photos! And thank you everyone who has made my trip rad so far!



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