One thing I never really do on this site is talk about overseas content but I am going to make an exception for the 90EAST DVD and it does have footage of Australians Jamie Mauri and Alex Liiv so technically it is related to Australia. Check after the bump for a review and some web edits…

I have been stoked on the 90EAST crew ever since I started seeing edits online and the grind box jam they had a while back. So when I heard they were doing a DVD I was straight on it. I got my DVD in the mail today and I was not disappointed.

This is definitely a crew style DVD, with a lot of the same spots sessioned by different riders throughout you just get the feeling they spend a lot of time together searching, riding, filming and would session the shit out of a over turned rock if they had to.

If you ride street and search you will enjoy this dvd a lot. Every section is rad in its own little way filled with a lot of technical street moves and a boat load of awesome and unique spots.

The filming may not be smoothest or sharpest but to honest it dosn’t really matter, this DVD got me motivated to search for spots even more and psyched to ride my bike which at the end of the day Is all that matters.

A couple of standouts for me were Abdul Fofanah doing some serious nose manual moves and some cheeky grind combo’s in his section. This section really got the DVD off to a good start for me.

Jesse Williams could smith grind anything you put in front of him it seems and he grinds the weirdest kinker I have ever seen aswell.

Lee Hopkins has last section and it’s awesome, variety of gnarly and technical moves with some dope rail rides in there for good measure.

If you are into previous DVD’s such as Skavenger and Don’t Quit Your Day Job 2 or anything Animal you will definitely enjoy this one.

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