Since music is a big part of most riders lives we figured we would get some crew involved in giving us some bands to check out and why they listen to them. First up is Cody Pollard

We’ve also created a Spotify playlist for this feature which will get updated each time we drop a Tuesday Tunes feature so make sure you follow that for some new music.

The lyrics in this song are brutally awesome, it gets me pumped as hell and I couldn’t agree more with what CJ is saying!

Check them all out after the jump…

A bunch of pool skating dudes from California. Pure thrashy, beer drinking, head banging, beer spilling, bowl carving rock n roll. I saw these guys in California at a free gig with free beer! All they wanted was you to thrash around and have a good time!!! Best birthday ever!!!

Three German dudes. I love the mood this band instantly sets. So dark and doomy. The drums are cool as hell and the lyrics set a scene like no other.

I just love the sound. The way he acts on stage. All the energy behind that. He looks like a wreck and he kinda is. I like that in singers and music. It keeps it rough and raw. None of this glammed up bullshit.

I kinda new to these guys. From what I know there a Japanese 3 piece band. Cool as hell to chill out and layback to!

Now go watch Cody shred the shit…

cody tablewe

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